lundi 4 janvier 2010

Children, their World, their Education

The Cambridge Primary Review

"Children, their World, their Education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review": soon to be available at the IIEP Documentation Centre

This 608-page report draws on over 4,000 published sources as well as the Review’s extensive evidence from written submissions, face-to-face soundings and searches of official data. Part 1 sets the scene and tracks primary education policy since the 1960s. Part 2 examines children’s development and learning, their lives outside school and their needs, aspirations and prospects in a changing world. Part 3 explores what goes on in primary schools, from the formative early years to aims, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, standards and school organisation. Part 4 deals with the system as a whole: ages and stages; schools and other agencies; teacher training, leadership and workforce reform; governance, funding and policy. Part 5 draws everything together with 78 formal conclusions and 75 recommendations for future policy and practice.

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