mercredi 28 octobre 2009

Prospects for Higher Education in India

Advances in information and communication technologies have transformed India, giving rise to “a great deal of confidence, global respect, recognition, and a large talent pool,” said Sam Pitroda during a public lecture at IDRC’s head office in Ottawa on September 16.

See more or listen to the entire lecture

Achieving Universal Basic Education. Constraints and Opportunities in Donor Financing

New event: 29 October 2009, a workshop on “Financing Universal Basic Education: Where Are We, What Next?” will be held at the Overseas Development Institute

Much progress has been made since global leaders agreed in the year 2000 to provide basic education for every child in the world. Globally, primary enrolment has risen by over 40 million children. However, despite these impressive results, external financing for basic education has not grown fast enough to put most countries on track for reaching the Education for All (EFA) goals and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
At this event, ODI will present three pieces of work that provide reflections on these opportunities and suggest ways to make the most of them, in spite of the difficult financial circumstances that are likely to affect donor countries over the next few years.

Documents :
Audio & Video coverage : Here

lundi 26 octobre 2009

Teaching for a Living: How Teachers See the Profession Today

The nationwide (USA) study, “Teaching for a Living: How Teachers See the Profession Today,” offers a comprehensive and nuanced look at how teachers differ in their perspectives on their profession, why they entered teaching, the atmosphere and leadership in their schools, the problems they face, their students and student outcomes, and ideas for reform. Taking a closer look at the nation’s teacher corps based on educators’ attitudes and motivations for teaching could provide some notable implications for how to identify, retain, and support the most effective teachers, according to the researchers.

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Welcome aboard

 The documentation centre catches in its nets provisions to help users surf the Net, guides them when they are submerged, provides information and indicates places for a good catch. Much of this information is available through the library catalogue, but more has remained in the ship's hold until now. This porthole enables you to see them, find them and enrich them with your comments, your blogs and your own "provisions". Welcome aboard and anchors aweigh!

Thanks to Val Lucas of Bowerbox Press for giving authorization  to repost the porthole book image.
Merci au dessinateur Deligne pour son aimable autorisation d'utilisation.