One of the UN Millennium Development Goals for 2015 is to ensure that all children receive a full course of primary schooling. Many countries are making gradual progress towards that goal. So at its biennial conference in Maputo two years ago, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) discussed the issue of post-primary education. ADEA members include African governments and major donor institutions.
Post-primary education in Africa: challenges and approaches for expanding learning opportunities. Synthesis prepared for and lessons learned from the ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa, Maputo, Mozambique, May 5-9, 2008
L’enseignement postprimaire en Afrique : Défis et approches pour étendre les opportunités d’apprentissage.
Synthèse et enseignements tirés de la Biennale 2008 de l’ADEA sur l’éducation en Afrique, Maputo, Mozambique, 5-9 mai 2008
vendredi 21 mai 2010
jeudi 20 mai 2010
World Bank Frees Up Development Data - Données sur le développement maintenant en libre accès
The World Bank Group announced on April 20th it will offer free access to more than 2,000 financial, business, health, economic and human development statistics that had mostly been available only to paying subscribers via a new website,
Experts say the Bank's open data initiative has the potential to stimulate more evidence-based policymaking in developing countries by bringing more researchers and innovative analysis into the development process. For the first time, data will be available in languages other than English, with an initial 330 indicators translated into French, Spanish and Arabic. “It’s important to make the data and knowledge of the World Bank available to everyone," World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick said. "Statistics tell the story of people in developing and emerging countries and can play an important part in helping to overcome poverty.”
Experts say the Bank's open data initiative has the potential to stimulate more evidence-based policymaking in developing countries by bringing more researchers and innovative analysis into the development process. For the first time, data will be available in languages other than English, with an initial 330 indicators translated into French, Spanish and Arabic. “It’s important to make the data and knowledge of the World Bank available to everyone," World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick said. "Statistics tell the story of people in developing and emerging countries and can play an important part in helping to overcome poverty.”
Libellés :
Development indicators
Ecole, des évaluations qui fâchent: Trois questions à ...Jean-Yves Rochex
Sciences humaines, N° 202, mars 2009
Le programme d’évaluation des élèves de 15 ans (Pisa), effectué tous les trois ans par l’OCDE est, dans l’Hexagone, sujet de controverses. Le score assez médiocre des jeunes Français ne reflète en effet qu’une moyenne, qui masque une réalité bien plus hétérogène dans les performances.
Le programme d’évaluation des élèves de 15 ans (Pisa), effectué tous les trois ans par l’OCDE est, dans l’Hexagone, sujet de controverses. Le score assez médiocre des jeunes Français ne reflète en effet qu’une moyenne, qui masque une réalité bien plus hétérogène dans les performances.
Libellés :
Academic achievement,
Comparative education,
Student evaluation
mercredi 12 mai 2010
The future is now: education for children in countries affected by conflicts. A report by Save the Children UK
Children and school buildings are increasingly becoming targets in conflicts across the world, warns Save the Children as one of the key findings of a report published on May, 11th. The organisation finds that the risks of violence to schoolchildren in conflict-blighted areas are on the rise as schools are increasingly used as symbolic, easy targets by armed groups. These risks to children will continue to grow unless the international community takes urgent action to protect them from attack.
Libellés :
Emergency education,
War devastated countries
mardi 11 mai 2010
Education and self-reliance in Egypt
Forced Migration, April 2010, No 34, p. 25-26
Education and self-reliance in Egypt by Marisa O Ensor
Education has the potential to empower urban refugees to maximise their options, compensate for their disadvantaged position vis-à-vis local citizens and build a more secure future.
Migrations forcées, avril 2010, No 34, p. 25-26
Education et autonomie en Égypte par Marisa O Ensor
L’éducation a le pouvoir d’autonomiser les réfugiés urbains et ainsi d’optimiser leurs possibilités, de compenser leur position désavantagée vis-à-vis des populations locales et de leur garantir un avenir plus sûr.
Libellés :
Refugee education
lundi 10 mai 2010
Le système éducatif et les classes moyennes au Maroc
Dans le cadre d’une conférence organisée par l’institut Amadeus en partenariat avec le Club Entreprendre, un livre blanc intitulé " Le système éducatif et les classes moyennes " a été présenté au grand public, lundi 3 mai 2010 à Casablanca.
Fruit d’une réflexion engagée en 2009 par un groupe de chercheurs, le livre blanc se veut une contribution sur le rôle du système éducatif dans la mobilité sociale des classes moyennes au Maroc.
Fruit d’une réflexion engagée en 2009 par un groupe de chercheurs, le livre blanc se veut une contribution sur le rôle du système éducatif dans la mobilité sociale des classes moyennes au Maroc.
Libellés :
Educational policy,
Middle class,
Social mobility
mercredi 5 mai 2010
Projet d'éducation au Pérou
Les fonctionnaires réalisent une gestion administrative adéquate des ressources que l'Etat attribue pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation en milieu rural ...
China's quiet education revolution By Abhimanyu Singh (China Daily)
China has attracted global attention in recent times for its inspiring and staggering achievements in the economic arena. The impeccably organized Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the prospects of the biggest expo in history in Shanghai this year have fired the public imagination and worked wonders for national pride.
Yet, a quiet revolution that has underpinned many of these achievements has gone relatively unnoticed. This is the transformation of China from a largely illiterate country in 1949, when the People's Republic was established, to a country where almost all children attend school for nine years and the literacy rate of young people aged 15 to 24 is 99 percent...
Yet, a quiet revolution that has underpinned many of these achievements has gone relatively unnoticed. This is the transformation of China from a largely illiterate country in 1949, when the People's Republic was established, to a country where almost all children attend school for nine years and the literacy rate of young people aged 15 to 24 is 99 percent...
Libellés :
Educational plans
mardi 4 mai 2010
The World Bank Global Monitoring Report 2010: the MDGs after the crisis
The World Bank Global Monitoring Report provides in this 2010 edition a development perspective on the global economic crisis and assesses the impact on developing countries: their growth, poverty reduction, and other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Finally, it sets out priorities for policy responses, both by developing countries and by the international community.
lundi 3 mai 2010
New ways to invest in Education for All
UNICEF podcast moderator Amy Costello recently spoke with Kevin Watkins, Director of UNESCO's Education For All Global Monitoring Report (GMR), and Daniel Altman, President of North Yard Economics - a not-for-profit consulting firm serving governments and NGOs in developing countries - about the importance of finding new ways to invest in education for all. This podcast was produced to coincide with last weeks' Global Action Week for Education, which focused on financing.
Libellés :
Educational finance,
Statistiques du système éducatif français
Un petit article fort intéressant intitulé « Forces et faiblesses du système éducatif français : ce que nous apprennent les statistiques » a été publié sur le blog de l’INRP. Il fait référence à un article de Claude Sauvageot et Nadine Dalsheimer, intitulé « La situation éducative de la France comparée à celle d’autres pays de l’Union européenne ou de l’OCDE » paru dans le n°78 de la revue Education et formations (novembre 2008). Cette revue est également disponible dans notre Centre de documentation.
Libellés :
Educational statistics,
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