mardi 27 juillet 2010

EI releases global study on Early Childhood Education

The EI Early Childhood Education (ECE) Task Force has released a global study investigating ECE policies, systems, programmes and activities across the world.

The study, entitled, ’Early Childhood Education: A Global Scenario’, was released at a meeting of the Task Force held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 14-15 July, hosted by the Danish Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators (BUPL).

Initiated by the Task Force, the study was conducted in 2009, and reveals that ECE continues to receive more attention across the globe and that access has been increasing steadily. However, the study also reveals that progress has been uneven and a lot more remains to be done if this important Education for All (EFA) goal is to be achieved by 2015.

The study is online at:

vendredi 23 juillet 2010

Tendances de la recherche en éducation à travers trois revues européennes

Identifier les grandes tendances de la recherche, au niveau national et international, est devenu un enjeu stratégique, tant pour les politiques scientifiques que pour les communautés académiques. Pour ce faire, une équipe de la Veille scientifique et technologique de l'INRP a entrepris la réalisation d’une étude prototype sur la base d’une indexation systématique des articles parus entre 1999 et 2009 dans trois revues : la Revue française de pédagogie, le British Educational Research Journal et le Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.Une première série d’indications quantitatives sur les 1 157 articles indexés est livrée dans ce dossier, ainsi qu’une analyse qualitative de la façon dont 6 thèmes : la formation des futurs enseignants, parents et familles, la motiva-tion, le genre, les mathématiques et les évaluations internationales, sont traités à travers les articles correspondants des trois revues.

mardi 6 juillet 2010

DFID: Bilateral Support to Primary Education

The Department for International Development has successfully supported developing countries in progress against goals of universal enrolment in primary education and improved educational prospects for girls, according to a report published by the National Audit Office. However, quality of education and levels of attainment remain low and pupil and teacher absenteeism is still too high. The report concludes that, given tight resources for education in developing countries, a greater emphasis on quality and cost-effectiveness to achieve good value for money is especially important.

lundi 5 juillet 2010

Launch of the 2010 ISSC/UNESCO World Social Science Report

The second report of this kind after the 1999 edition published by UNESCO. The World Social Science Report will now be produced on a regular basis, and a theme will be chosen for each publication. The theme chosen by the ISSC General Assembly for the 2010 report is "Knowledge Divides". Hence the report will focus on inequalities and asymmetries in social science knowledge production in an overall context of economic, social and cultural globalization.
The Report is available on line at:
More information about the Report is available at: http://