jeudi 14 avril 2011

"Deconstructing development discourse: buzzwords and fuzzwords", an OXFAM GB publication

Andrea Cornwall and Deborah Eade deconstruct the latest concepts of development jargon for our greatest pleasure.

Guidance notes on safer schools construction: global facility for disaster reduction and recovery

These Guidance Notes were developed as collaboration between INEE and Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) at the World Bank. These guidelines advocate assessment of school sites as well as safety construction measures in areas threatened by natural disasters such as: earthquakes, windstorms, flood, landslides and wildfires.

mercredi 13 avril 2011

Education for employment: Realizing Arab youth potential

The Arab world is overwhelmingly young with the highest youth unemployment in the world. On top of this, education systems are not adequately preparing young people for the jobs that exist. A new report, "Education for employment: Realizing Arab youth potential" explores the issue of youth unemployment through the lens of education, looking at critical skills gaps in the job market, demand for Education for Employment (e4e), and a roadmap to solve the challenge. This report explores how private stakeholders can contribute to meeting this need and identifies what enabling environment would be required for these activities to flourish.

This is an IFC-Islamic development Bank report based on the findings of a study done by McKinsey & Company.