mercredi 20 juillet 2011

Make it Right: Ending the Crisis in Girls' Education

This new report by the Global Campaign for Education and RESULTS shows that millions of girls are being forced out of school because of poverty, child labour, early child marriage, the threat of sexual violence, inadequate and poor-quality schools.

The report examines 80 poor countries in terms of the gains they have made in girls’ education. The report shows that the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, India, Iraq, Nigeria and Pakistan are among those countries failing to respect the rights of girls to an education. In sub-Saharan Africa, girls have less than a 50% chance of finishing primary school. In some Asian countries girls also struggle: 41% of girls in Pakistan and 30% in India fail to finish primary school.

The report highlights countries that have been able to improve girls’ enrolment and retention in school, with Bangladesh, Jordan, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia and Ukraine among them.

3 commentaires:

  1. Apparently, in some Asian countries girls struggle often failing to finish primary school. Unfortunately... Just see what's going on in the educational system of our country. Check it out by following! Good luck!

  2. This is horrible, every people in the world have right to have a good education, especially girls, need to do something with this problem, I`m working with UK Top Writers and we try to do best we can in this sphere !

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