jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Evaluating the evidence of crisis impacts on girls’ wellbeing: an ODI report

This report, prepared by Maria Stavropoulou and Nicola Jones, examines the continuing and deepening impact of the economic crisis on girls and young women worldwide.

Long standing economic trends, entrenched gender inequality andausterity budgets have all left girls and their families bearing thebrunt of fewer resources and reduced access to services.

Key findings from the report include:
  • Girls drop out of school more – with a 29% decrease in primary school completion for girls versus 22% for boys.
  • Family poverty hits girls hardest - a 1% fall in GDP increases infant mortality by 7.4 deaths per 1,000 births for girls versus 1.5 for boys.
  • Health cuts leave adolescent girls at greater risk during pregnancy with 14-19 year olds most at risk of death in pregnancy in many countries.This report by Plan and ODI examines the continuing and deepening impact of the economic crisis on girls and young women worldwide.

vendredi 25 janvier 2013

Renforcer la mesure pour piloter la qualité de l'éducation : une analyse comparative, en rapport au niveau du développement économique, des évaluations nationales sur les acquisitions des élèves

Après une première phase consacrée aux évaluations internationales et régionales, nous nous attachons dans ce rapport à présenter un panorama sélectif des enquêtes nationales. L'accent ici sera placé sur la comparaison des méthodes : sont-elles différentes le long de l'échelle de développement ? En comparant des exemples le long de cette échelle, nous remarquerons l'impact du clivage sur le niveau d'initiative centrale ou décentralisée pour l'école. La pratique des enquêtes montre bien que si l'initiative reste décentralisée souvent l'évaluation peut conduire à décrire le degré d'harmonisation d'un système et offrir une mesure de la nécessité d'une certaine homogénéité du produit scolaire comme une obligation de résultat. Cela renforce la vision tout au long de l'échelle de développement du rôle de biens publics mondiaux qui sont de plus en plus assumés par les savoirs de base. Si la norme en ce domaine reste fixée par les enquêtes internationales, celles-ci permettant de découvrir le problème par comparaison, aussi faut-il identifier là où sont les manettes sur lesquelles les politiques peuvent agir. On retrouve donc la question de l'école efficace par l'éventuelle adoption ou transcription de bonnes pratiques qui viennent de la comparaison internationale. Par ailleurs, se
retrouve tout autant la question de l'école juste qui permet à chacun quel que soient son lieu de vie, ses origines sociales ou culturelles de pouvoir accéder à ces savoirs, qu'ils soient acquis durablement et que ce niveau d'instruction permette d'assurer les capacités nécessaires à l'adulte.

mardi 22 janvier 2013

Regards croisés sur la qualité en éducation et formation

Que signifie aujourd'hui la qualité en éducation et formation, dans l'enseignement scolaire, dans l'enseignement supérieur, dans la formation des adultes ou dans la formation continue tout au long de la vie ? C'est pour instruire cette question que l'Agence qualité éducation (IFÉ - ENS Lyon) a demandé à plusieurs chercheurs et experts reconnus au niveau international de livrer leurs expériences et leurs réflexions en la matière. Compte-rendu du Séminaire du 22 et 23 novembre 2011 organisé par l'Agence qualité éducation - Institut français de l’éducation

lundi 14 janvier 2013

MADAGASCAR: Funding gap threatens school lunches

AMBOVOMBE, 28 December 2012 (IRIN) - The provision of school lunches to 215,000 children in 1,200 primary schools in southern Madagascar could be suspended by the end of January 2013 if the World Food Programme (WFP) fails to make up a funding shortfall of US$4.84 million. The funds are needed to cover the cost of running the feeding scheme from December 2012 to May 2013 [...] “The school lunches take pressure off the households, helping them to build up stock during the harvest season, so that the food lasts longer,” WFP’s Alvarez told IRIN. “But the impact is much broader than just feeding the children. We started this programme in 2005 after we noticed that the percentage of children who finished school in this region was very low. The lunches are a development strategy for us; the students stay in school longer, learn better, and the community has to organize itself to prepare the lunches. They start to see the school differently; it becomes an important part of the village.”

mercredi 29 août 2012

UNGEI: Gender Analysis in Education

Gender Analysis in Education: Increasing attention has been given to the importance of achieving gender equality in education. To date, however, most efforts have focused on addressing gender parity – an equal number or proportion of girls and boys accessing educational opportunities. Although simple gender parity may be easier to measure, gender equality encompasses a wider concept, of which gender parity is only a part. Gender equality moves beyond access and requires that girls and boys also experience the same levels of quality and outcomes of education.

vendredi 13 juillet 2012

Majgaard, Kirsten; Mingat, Alain. 2012. Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : a comparative analysis

Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : a comparative analysis: As in most countries worldwide, Sub-Saharan African countries are striving to build their human capital so they can compete for jobs and investments in an increasingly globalized world. In this region, which includes the largest number of countries that have not yet attained universal primary schooling, the ambitions and aspirations of Sub-Saharan African countries and their youth far exceed this basic goal. Over the past 20 years, educational levels have risen sharply across Sub-Saharan Africa. Already hard at work to provide places in primary schools for all children, most countries of the region are also rapidly expanding access to secondary and tertiary levels of education. Alongside this quantitative push is a growing awareness of the need to make sure that students are learning and acquiring the skills needed for life and work. Achieving education of acceptable quality is perhaps an even greater challenge than providing enough school places for all. Thus, Sub-Saharan African countries are simultaneously confronting many difficult challenges in the education sector, and much is at stake. This book gives those concerned with education in Sub-Saharan Africa an analysis of the sector from a cross-country perspective, aimed at drawing lessons that individual country studies alone cannot provide. A comparative perspective is useful not only to show the range of possibilities in key education policy variables but also to learn from the best performers in the region. (Although the report covers 47 Sub- Saharan African countries whenever possible, some parts of the analysis center on the region's low-income countries, in particular, a sample of 33 low-income countries). Although countries ultimately must make their own policy choices and decide what works best in their particular circumstances, Sub-Saharan African countries can benefit from learning about the experiences of other countries that are faced with, or have gone through, similar development paths. Given the large number of countries included in the analysis, the book finds that Sub-Saharan African countries have more choices and more room for maneuver than will appear if attention were focused on only one or a few country experiences. Countries can make better choices when understanding the breadth of policy choices available to them. They are well advised, however, to evaluate the applicability of policy options to their contexts and to pilot and evaluate the results for performance and subsequent improvement.

mardi 3 juillet 2012

No upward mobility

In Latin America, only children from well to-do families tend to get a chance to study. Lacking access to higher learning has become a mobilising issue for social activists.

Interview with Ramón Garcia-Ziemsen